Participants in the Chain Reaction TableTop team-building program are given a game board and a set of idea cards with lots of information on them. They talk about these ideas in their teams and share them with other teams to come up with an overall plan for their contraption. Each team is in charge of making a set of simple tools and testing them. Then, these machines are linked to the machines of other teams. This helps teams work together and makes sure that the flow goes smoothly from one machine to the next. In the big ending, the contraption is turned on, which starts a chain reaction that ends in a simple but amazing action, like a Rube Goldberg machine.

Outcomes of Learning:
The school stresses how important it is for teams to work together and share knowledge and resources, which is important for success and for encouraging creativity. Teams work together to create a shared vision and plan by using their excellent skills at managing projects and resources. Successful teams have a clear understanding of the job and the idea cards, evaluate the available resources, make a rough plan, and change it as needed during the building phase. During the testing stages, teams learn how important it is to stick with problems and how important it is to pay attention to details if they want to do well. Chain Reaction fosters a real sense of shared purpose and makes for a unique experience when teams are recognized for doing well.