Bot Creation is a creative team-building game in which people use a variety of parts to design and build a robot that is made to do a specific job. In this game, teams are given jobs to do with their robots that are either competitive or cooperative. To build their robot, they use the parts that are available and choose the right engines, MDF frames, chassis covers, and electric and electrical parts. Once the robot is built, the team puts it through tests to see if it can do the job well. Also, teams get together to look at and respect what other teams have made and see how well their robots are doing because of it.

Outcomes of learning:
As teams work on making their robots, Bot Creation is a great way to improve skills like communication, planning, and making decisions. As teams change their robots to meet the goal, they have to think creatively and use their resources well. Teams learn how to use design thinking principles to improve their robot’s basic features as they build and test their robots. The final robot is a great example of how innovation, imagination, and, most importantly, working well as a team can lead to success.
Cambodia welcomes possible customers who are interested in putting together team-building programs that include the fascinating Bot Creation activity.